Sadhguru will join Dr. Elaine Ingham and John D. Liu for Webinar #3 in our Rescuing Mother Earth series on Thursday, July 21 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time (that’s 6:00 p.m. London time)! #SaveSoil – Register here to join the live webinars and to access all of the replays.

Sadhguru raises awareness of soil degradation at the COP 15 Convention in 2022. #SaveSoil Photo courtesy Conscious Planet.
Sadhguru’s Global Effort
Sadhguru is a soil health advocate, spiritual leader, bestselling author, and founder of Conscious Planet. After observing environmental decline and farmer struggles in Southern India, he initiated several ecological initiatives to restore green cover and rivers in the region. In 2022, Sadhguru launched the Conscious Planet #SaveSoil movement, a global effort to address the looming threat of soil extinction.
“The Conscious Planet Movement to Save Soil seeks to mobilize the public and Governments of all nations to establish lasting policies that revitalize soil and ecology.”
A 26-Country Journey for Soil Awareness
On March 21, 2022, 65-year-old Sadhguru embarked on a 100-day motorcycle journey through 27 countries to raise awareness about the soil degradation crisis the global community is facing. Along the way, Sadhguru and Save Soil shared grim statistics:
- 52% of the world’s agricultural soil is already degraded (UN Food and Agriculture Org)
- By 2050, 90% of Earth’s soil could be degraded, unless we act now. (UNCCD, 2020)
- Reviving soil will increase the incomes of 75% of the world’s poor who rely on agriculture (World Bank)
- Increasing soil organic carbon (organic matter) can halt the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere (Consortium of Int’l Agricultural Research Centers)
- Improving soil raises crop production by 20-40% (IUCN)
- To sustain agriculture, the minimum organic content in soil should be of 3-6%.
- 75-85% of soil in major EU agricultural nations has less than 2% organic content (European Environment Agency, National Institute for Agricultural and Food – Spain, Tuscia University – Italy)
- 62% of Indian agricultural land has less than 0.5% organic content. (Government of India)
#SaveSoil Partnership
The Soil Food Web School is partnering with Save Soil to help increase awareness and understanding of the important role that soil biodiversity plays in global health and human well-being.

Sadhguru on his 100-day motorcycle journey through 26 countries to raise awareness of soil degradation. #SaveSoil Photo courtesy Conscious Planet.
“When it comes to agriculture, when it comes to soil, when it comes to soil ecology, our national borders mean nothing. Because microorganisms operate as a global system!” – Sadhguru1
Please join us to spread the word! #SaveSoil
1Sadhguru. (2022, May 20). Sadhguru’s journey so far – Caribbean to Dubai. YouTube. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from