Soil Food Web School - Regenerating Soil

Enrollment Agreement - Kickstart Your Soil Package

Soil Foodweb School LLC
[email protected]
PO Box 287, Corvallis, OR 97330, US



Enrollment Date: October 17, 2024 Start Date: October 17, 2024



What’s Included: 

With the Kickstart Your Soil Package (KYSP) you are registering for the Foundation Courses (FC) at the price of $3,920 (regular price $5,000), and Stage 1 of the Consultant or Grower Training Program (CTP/GTP) for free (regular price $1,540). Note: Access to the CTP/GTP is conditional upon you achieving an overall average score of 90% or more in the FC.


Foundation Courses (FC):

  • Series of 4 self-paced, online courses covering the theory and application methodology behind the Soil Food Web Approach. This comprises 63 pre-recorded lectures totaling more than 40 hours of lectures.
  • Includes access to the FC Forum where students can interact with each other, Dr. Ingham and the Faculty. Access to the FC Forum is for 12 months from when a student begins the FC or when the student joins the CTP or GTP program, whichever comes first. Then, FC Forum access is changed to read only and will remain in place for as long as we maintain the Forum.
  • Printable/downloadable materials include lecture slides, course manual, and glossary.


How Much Time You’ll Need to Commit:

Students typically require about 150 hours in order to complete the FC at a reasonable pace.
We expect that a student can complete the FC in 4 weeks, if studying full time. The maximum time allowed to complete the FC is 12 months.

Stage 1 of the Consultant or Grower Training Program (CTP/GTP): The Certified Lab Tech Program (CLP) and The BioComplete™ Compost Practicum

Prerequisite for Entry:

You must successfully complete the FC with an overall average score of 90% or more.

You have 12 months to join the CTP/GTP, from the date you complete the FC.

What’s Included:

  • 26 hours of mentor time to help you develop your composting skills and complete the Certified Lab-Tech Program (CLP).
    Note: this will include all time spent by your mentor on: reviewing your reports and any questions submitted; correspondence by email, telephone, virtual meeting etc.

  • Access to the CTP Forum where the student can interact with Dr. Ingham, the Soil Food Web School (SFWS) faculty, and school alumni, for as long as we maintain the CTP Forum.

  • The Certified Lab-Tech Program

  • 8 hours of one-on-one Microscopy Training

  • Microscopy Proficiency Assessment (MPA)

  • The How to Launch Your Lab Guidebook, available upon successful completion of the MPA.

  • If you successfully complete the CLP and pass the MPA, you will be listed on the website as a Certified Soil Food Web Lab-Technician. In order to retain your certification, you will be required to retake the MPA 6 months after your first certification, and then every 12 months after that. If you fail to recertify, you will be removed from the website. Currently, CLP recertification costs $150 each time.

  • You must complete the CLP within the first 3 months of joining the CTP/GTP. You will not be able to graduate as a Certified Soil Food Web Consultant unless you have successfully completed the CLP and the MPA as well as all 3 stages of the CTP.

  • On successful completion of CTP/GTP Stage 1, you qualify to enroll in CTP/GTP Stage 2: The BioComplete™ Liquid Practicum, which is not included in this bundle.


How Much Time You’ll Need to Commit:

CTP/GTP Stage 1 - The BioComplete™ Compost Practicum

Students typically need to make at least 6 compost piles before they can achieve the required standards for passing the compost practicum. If you have the resources, you can make multiple piles, with varying recipes, simultaneously, to save time. Each pile will require up to 28 days to complete, once built. A reasonable timeframe for the compost practicum is 3-12 months. Some students may take longer.

In Stage 1 of the CTP/GTP, students are expected to complete the Certified Lab-tech Program before beginning the composting section.

If a student chooses to purchase Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the CTP/GTP, they are expected to complete all three stages of the CTP/GTP within 2 years. The maximum allowable time for completion of the CTP/GTP is 3 years, after which your enrollment will expire.



Cost and Payment Terms: Kickstart Your Soil Package


Kickstart Your Soil Package (KYSP) Foundation Courses Full Access

Single payment of $3,920

($5,000 FC price minus $1,080 discount)


Foundation Courses 1-4 (regular price $5,000) for $3,920
Stage 1 of the CTP/GTP (regular price $1,540) for no additional charge.
Note: Access to the CTP/GTP is conditional upon you achieving an overall average score of 90% or more on the FC quizzes.

CTP/GTP Supplies

You will need various items. Cost will vary depending on the scale of your project and the quality of the equipment you select. The minimum budget is approximately $1,000.

CLP Supplies:

You will need a compound microscope, a microscope camera and some ancillary lab equipment such as pipettes and beakers to complete this program. The cost of the microscope and camera will vary depending on the equipment you select. Budget: USD$320 minimum for microscope and camera, and a further $50 for the lab equipment.


$3,920 USD plus supplies


Cancellation: You may cancel enrollment by giving written notice to Soil Food Web School. Unless the school has discontinued the program, you are financially obligated to the school. Our refund policy is as follows:




For the FC ONLY: If you have watched fewer than half the lectures (i.e. fewer than 32 lectures) and you are within 30 days of registration, you are entitled to:

A full refund.

For the FC ONLY: After completing half or more of the lectures or after 30 days from the date of registration, whichever comes first

No refund is available.

For the Stage 1 of the CTP/GTP 

No refund is applicable as Stage 1 of the CTP/GTP is offered for FREE with the Kickstart Your Soil Package (KYSP)

The School reserves the right to terminate a student’s participation for unsatisfactory progress, nonpayment of tuition, or failure to abide by established standards as defined in the School’s Code of Conduct. Although the school may provide placement assistance, the school does not guarantee job placement to graduates upon program completion or upon graduation.

Your signature below signifies that you have read and understand all aspects of this agreement, and acknowledge that this is a binding contract.

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Signed by Dr. Elaine Ingham
Signed On: January 16, 2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: Enrollment Agreement - Kickstart Your Soil Package
lock iconUnique Document ID: 68367cf1201ba6a70b901a37c7ca64e48b26df98
Timestamp Audit
October 17, 2023 1:16 am PDTEnrollment Agreement - Kickstart Your Soil Package Uploaded by Dr. Elaine Ingham - [email protected] IP