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Papers Published by Dr. Ingham

  1. Ames, R.N., E.R. Ingham and C.P.P. Reid. (1982). Ultraviolet-induced autofluorescence of arbuscular mycorrhizal root infections: An alternative to clearing and staining methods for assessing infections. Can. Jr. Microbiol, 28:351-355.
  2. Ames, R.N., E.R. Ingham, C.P.P Reid. (1982). Ultraviolet-induced autofluorescence – a new method for detecting and quantifying vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal root infections. Phytopathology 72 (7), 950-950.
  3. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1982). Relationship between fluorescein diacetate-stained hyphae and oxygen utilization, glucose utilization and biomass of submerged fungal batch cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 28:351-355.
  4. McClellan, J.F., D.C. Coleman, K.A. Horton and E.R. Ingham. (1982). The effect of chloroform on protozoa and other soil inhabitants. J. Protozool, 29:491.
  5. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1984). Soil fungi: Relationships between hyphal activity and staining with fluorescein in diacetate. Soil Biol. Biochem, 16:273-278.
  6. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1984). Soil fungi: Measurement of hyphal length. Soil Biol. Biochem, 16:279-280.
  7. Ames, R.N., C.P.P. Reid and E.R. Ingham. (1984). Rhizosphere bacterial population responses to root colonization by a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. New Phytol, 96:555-563.
  8. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1984). Phosphatase activity of Penicillium Itrinum submerged batch cultures and its relationship to fungal activity. Plant and Soil, 81:61-68.
  9. Ingham, E.R. and D.C. Coleman. (1984). Effects of streptomycin, cycloheximide, fungizone, captan, carbofuran, cygon and PCNB on soil microbe populations and nutrient cycling, Microbial Ecology 10:345- 358.
  10. Ingham, R.E., J.A. Trofymow, E.R. Ingham and D.C. Coleman. (1985). Interactions of bacteria, fungi and their nematode grazers: Effects on nutrient cycling and plant growth. Ecological Monographs, 55:119-140.
  11. Ingham, E.R. (1985). Review of the effects of twelve selected biocides on target and non-target soil organisms. Crop Protection, 4:3032.
  12. Ingham, E.R., D.A. Klein and M.J. Trlica. (1985). Responses of microbial components of the rhizosphere to plant management strategies in semiarid rangeland. Plant and Soil, 85:65-76.
  13. Ingham, E.R., C. Cambardella and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Manipulation of bacteria, fungi and protozoa by biocides in lodgepole pine forest soil microcosms: Effects on organism interactions and nitrogen mineralization. Can. J. Soil Sci, 66:261-272.
  14. Frey, J.S., J.F. McCellan, E.R. Ingham and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Filter-out grazers (FOG): A filtration experiment for separating protozoan grazers in soil. Biol. Fert. Soil, 1:73-79.
  15. Ingham, E.R., J.A. Trofymow, R.N. Ames, H.W. Hunt, C.R. Morley, J.C. Moore and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Trophic interactions and nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland soil. Part I. Seasonal dynamics of the natural populations, their interactions and effects on nitrogen cycling. J. Applied Ecology, 23:597-614.
  16. Ingham, E.R., J.A. Trofymow, R.N. Ames, H.W. Hunt, C.R. Morley, J.C. Moore and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Trophic interactions and nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland soil. Part II. System responses to removal of different groups of soil microbes or fauna. J. Applied Ecology, 23:615-630.
  17. Hunt, H.W., D.C. Coleman, E.R. Ingham, R.E. Ingham, E.T. Elliott, J.C. Moore, C.P.P. Reid and C.R. Morley. (1987). The detrital food web in a short grass prairie. Biol. Fert. Soil, 3:57-68.
  18. Moore, J.C., E.R. Ingham and D.C. Coleman. (1987). Inter- and Intraspecific feeding selectivity of Folsomia candida (Willem) (Collembola, Isotomidae) on fungi: Method development and ecological consequences. Biol. Fert. Soil, 5:6-12.
  19. Ingham, E.R. and K.A. Horton. (1987). Bacterial, fungal and protozoan responses to chloroform fumigation in stored prairie soil. Soil Biol. Biochem., 19:545-550.
  20. Coleman, D.C. and E.R. Ingham. (1988). Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, 5:3-6.
  21. Hunt, H.W., E.R. Ingham, D.C. Coleman, E.T. Elliott and C.P.P. Reid. (1988). Nitrogen limitation of decomposition and primary production in short grass, mountain meadow and lodgepole pine forest. Ecology, 69:1009-1016.
  22. Carpenter, S.E., M.E. Harmon, E.R. Ingham, R.G. Kelsey, J.D. Latin and T.D. Schowalter. (1988). Early patterns of heterotroph activity in conifer logs. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 94B:33-43.
  23. Coleman, D.C., E.R. Ingham. (1988). Terrestrial nutrient cycles. Biogeochemistry 5 (1), 3-5.
  24. Ingham, E.R., M.V. Wilson and C.D. McIntire. (1988). Social and economic concerns with respect to the choice of critical terrestrial Ecosystems. USEPA.
  25. Cromack, K., Jr., B.L. Fichter, A.M. Moldenke and E.R. Ingham. (1989). Interactions between soil animals and ectomycorrhizal fungal mats. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ, 24:155-169.
  26. Ingham, E.R., D.C. Coleman and J.C. Moore. (1989). Analysis of food-web structure and function in a short grass prairie, a mountain meadow and lodgepole pine forest. Biol. Fertil. Soils, 8:29-37.
  27. Stamatiadis, S., J.W. Doran and E.R. Ingham. (1990). Use of staining and inhibitors to separate fungal and bacterial activity in soil. Soil Biol. Biochem., 22:81-88.
  28. Coleman, D.C., E.R. Ingham and J.C. Moore. (1990). An across ecosystem analysis of seasonal effects and faunal reduction on decomposition in a semiarid prairie, meadow, and lodgepole pine forest. Pedobiologia, 34:207-219.
  29. Ingham, E.R., R. Griffiths, K. Cromack and J.A. Entry. (1991). Comparison of direct versus fumigation incubation microbial biomass estimates in ectomycorrhizal mat and non-mat soils. Soil Biol. Biochem., 23:465-472.
  30. Lodge, D.J. and E.R. Ingham. (1991). A comparison of agar film techniques for estimating fungal biovolumes in litter and soil. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 5:31-37.
  31. Griffiths, R.P., E.R. Ingham, B.A. Caldwell, M.A. Castellano and K. Cromack, Jr. (1991). Microbial characteristics of ectomycorrhizal mat communities in Oregon and California. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 11:14-20.
  32. Ingham, E.R., D.C. Coleman, R. Parmelee and D.A. Crossley. (1991). Reduction of microbial and faunal groups following application of streptomycin and captan in Georgia no-till agro ecosystems. Pedobiologia, 35:297-304.
  33. Schowalter, T.D., B.D. Caldwell, S.E. Carpenter, R.P. Griffiths, M.E. Harmon, E.R. Ingham. (1992). Decomposition of fallen trees: Effects of initial conditions and heterotroph colonization rates. Tropical Ecosystems: Ecology and Management, 373-383.
  34. Ingham, E.R. (1993). The functional significance and regulation of soil biodiversity: An executive summary of the Soil Ecology Society meeting. Soil Ecology Society Newsletter, 5:2-9.
  35. Klopatek, C.C., E.G. O’Neill, D.W. Freckman, C.D. Bledsoe, D.A. Coleman, D.A. Crossley, Jr., E.R. Ingham, D. Parkinson and J.M. Klopatek. (1993). The sustainable biosphere initiative: A commentary from the U.S. Soil Ecology Society. Bulletin of the Ecological Soc. of America, 73:223-228.
  36. Colinas, C., E. Ingham and R. Molina. (1994). Population responses of target and non-target forest-soil organisms to selected biocides. Soil Biol. Biochem., 26:41-48.
  37. Ingham, E.R. (1994). Soil Organisms and Forest Health. Headwaters Journal, Spring: 12-15.
  38. Ingham, E.R., D.C. Coleman, and D.A. Crossley, Jr. (1994). Use of Sulfamethoxazole-Penicillin, Oxytetracycline, Carbofuran, Carbaryl, Naphthalene and Temik to Remove Key Organism Groups in Soil in a Corn Agro ecosystem. J. Sustain. Agric., 4(3):7-30.
  39. Ingham, E.R. and H. Massicotte. (1994). Protozoan communities around conifer roots colonized by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza, 5: 53-61.
  40. Ingham, E.R., J.D. Doyle and C.W. Hendricks. (1995). Assessing interactions between soil foodweb and a strain of Pseudomonas putida genetically engineered to degrade 2,4-D. Applied Soil Ecology, 2:263-274.
  41. Ingham, E.R. (1995). Soil Protozoa. Soil Science, 159 (4), 281-282.
  42. Carey, A.B., D.R. Thysell, L.J. Villa, T.M. Wilson, S.M. Wilson, J.M. Trappe, W. Colgan, E.R. Ingham, M. Holmes. (1996). Foundations of Bio-Diversity in Managed Douglas-Fir Forests. In: Peterson, DL; Klimas, CV The role of restoration in the ecosystem. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium for ecological restoration. Madison, WI: Society for Ecological Restoration, 68-82.
  43. Ingham, E.R. and W.G. Thies. (1996). Soil foodweb responses in the first year following clear cutting and chloropicrin application to a mature Douglas-fir forest to control laminated root rot. Applied Soil Ecol., 3:35-47.
  44. Rygiewicz, P.T. and E.R. Ingham. (1997). Soil Biology and Ecology. IN Fairbridge, R.W. and D.E. Alexander (eds) Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Van Nostrand Reinhold. NY.
  45. Sances, F.V. and E.R. Ingham. (1997). Conventional and organic alternatives to methyl bromide on California strawberries: Effect of Brassica residues and spent mushroom compost following successive chemical fumigation. Compost Science and Utilization, 5: 23-37.
  46. Griffiths, R.P., J.A. Entry, E.R. Ingham, and W.H. Emmingham. (1997).Chemistry and microbial activity of forest and pasture riparian-zone soils along three Pacific Northwest streams. Plant and Soil, 190:169-178.
  47. Ingham, E.R. and W. Thies. (1997). Changes in rhizosphere microflora and microfauna 10 years following Douglas-fir live tree injection with chloropicrin or methylisothiocynate. Can. Jr. For Res., 27:724-731.
  48. Ingham, E.R., (1997). Soil Foodweb Structure and Function in Forests: A Comparison of Conifer, Deciduous, Riparian and Managed Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Interdisciplinary Uneven-aged Management Symposium.
  49. Hendricks, C.W., M.T. Holmes and E.R. Ingham. (1998). Foodweb methodology to assess ecological effects of anthropogenic stressors in soil. Trends in Soil Science, 2:181-189.
  50. Massicote, H.B., L.E. Takaberry, E.R. Ingham, and W.G. Thies. (1998). Ectomycorrhizae establishment on Douglas-fir seedlings following chloropicrin treatment to control laminated-root rot disease: Assessment of 4 and 5 years after out planting. Appl. Soil Ecol., 10:117-126.
  51. Ingham, E.R. and J.Barlow. (1998). Sustainable Agriculture and the Ecology of Soil Perspectives on Business and Global Change, 12:31-42.
  52. Ingham, E.R. (1998). Soil organisms and their role in healthy turf. Turf Grass Trends, 7:1-6.
  53. Ingham, E.R., (1998). Soil view-Anaerobic Bacteria and Compost Tea. BioCycle-Journal of Composting and Recycling, 39 (6), 86-86.
  54. Holmes, M. and E.R. Ingham. (1999) Ecological effects of genetically engineered Klebsiella planticola released into agricultural soil with varying clay content. Appl. Soil Ecol., 11:67-78.
  55. Wilson, M.V. and E.R. Ingham. (1999). Mycorrhizal requirements of six wetlands herbaceous plant species. Mycorrhiza, 9 (4), 233-235.
  56. Ingham, E.R, Seiter, S., and R.D. William. (1999). Dynamics of soil fungal and bacterial biomass in a temperate climate alley cropping system. Appl. Soil Ecol., 12 (2): 139-147.
  57. Doyle, J.D., Hendricks, C.W., Holmes, M.T., and E.R. Ingham. (1999). Effects of Klebsiella planticola SDF20 on soil biota and wheat growth in sandy soil. Appl. Soil Ecol., 11: 67-78.
  58. Ingham, E., (1999)., Compost Tea. Part I & II, BioCycle, 40, 74-75.
  59. Ingham, E. R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 1. The Soil Foodweb. NRCS Soil Quality Institute, USDA.
  60. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer Chapter 2. Soil Bacteria. NRCS Soil Quality Institute, USDA.
  61. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 3. Soil Fungi. NRCS Soil Quality Institute. USDA.
  62. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 4. Soil Protozoa. NRCS Soil Quality Institute. USDA.
  63. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 5. Soil Nematodes. NRCS Soil Quality Institute. USDA.
  64. Rygiewicz, P.T., E.R. Ingham. (1999). Soil Biology and Ecology. Environmental Geology, 564-568.
  65. Ingham, E.R., (2000). Brewing compost tea. Kitchen Gardener. 29, 16-19.
  66. Ingham, E.R. (2000). The Compost Tea Brewing Manual. Sustainable Studies Institute, Eugene, OR. 60 pp.
  67. Moldenke, A., M. Pajutee. E. Ingham. (2000). The functional roles of forest soil arthropods: The soil is a lively place. Proceedings of the California Forest Soils Council Conference on Forest Soils Biology and Forest Management. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Gen Tech Rep PSW-GTR-178, pages 7-22.
  68. Ingham, E.R. (2001). Micronized compost and microbial life in compost. Biocycle, 42 (7), 58-58.
  69. Linder, G., G. Henderson, E. Ingham. (2002). Wildlife and the Remediation of Contaminated Soils: Extending the Analysis of Ecological Risks to Habitat Restoration. Handbook of Ecotoxicology, 191-214.
  70. Peachey, R.E., A Moldenke, R.D. William, R. Berry, E. Ingham, E. Groth. (2002). Effect of cover crops and tillage system on symphylan (Symphlya: Scutigerella immaculata, Newport) and Pergamasus quisquiliarum Canestrini (Acari: Mesostigmata) populations. Applied Soil Ecology, 21 (1), 59-70.
  71. Highland, M.T.F., D.C. Sclar, E.R. Ingham, K.L. Gartley, J.E. Swasey. (2004). Effects of Compost Amended Container Media on Ornamental Plant Growth. HortScience, 39 (4), 750C-750.
  72. Ingham, E.R., M.D. Slaughter. (2004). The soil foodweb-soil and composts as living ecosystems. First International Conference Soil and Compost Eco-Biology, León, Spain.
  73. Ingham, E.R. (2005). Comparison of soil biota between organic and conventional agroecosystems in Oregon, USA. 土壤圈: 英文版, 15 (3), 395-403.
  74. Dornbush, M., C. Cambardella, E. Ingham, J. Raich, (2008). A comparison of soil food webs beneath C3- and C4-dominated grasslands. Biology and fertility of soils, 45 (1), 73-81.
  75. Rygiewicz, P.T., V.J. Monleon, E.R. Ingham, K.J. Martin, M.G. Johnson. (2010). Soil life in reconstructed ecosystems: initial soil food web responses after rebuilding a forest soil profile for a climate change experiment. Applied Soil Ecology, 45 (1), 26-38.
  76. Tunick, M.H., M. Paul, E.R. Ingham, H.J. Karreman, D.L. Van Hekken. (2015). Differences in milk characteristics between a cow herd transitioning to organic versus milk from a conventional dairy herd. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 68 (4), 511-518.
  77. Tunick, M.H., D.L. Van Hekken, M. Paul, E.R. Ingham, H.J. Karreman. (2015). Case study: Comparison of milk composition from adjacent organic and conventional farms in the USA. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 69 (1), 137-142.

Book Chapters

  1. Ingham, E.R. and R. Molina. 1991. Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi, rhizosphere organisms, and plants. Pages 169-197 in Microorganisms, Plants and Herbivores, P. Barbosa (ed). John Wiley and Sons, NY.
  2. Ingham, E.R. 1994. Soil Protozoa. Agronomy Society of America. In Methods in Agronomy, P. Bottomley (ed). Agronomy Soc. Am.
  3. Ingham, E.R. and A. Moldenke. 1995. Microflora and Microfauna on Stems and Trunks: Diversity, Food Webs and Effects on Plants. pp. 241-256. IN Gartner, B. Plant Stems. Academic Press. NY.
  4. Ingham, E.R. 1997. Soil Microbiology. IN Sylvia, D. and Hartel, P. Soil Microbiology: Environmental and Agricultural Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  5. Ingham, E.R. and M. Alms. 1999. The Compost Tea Handbook 1.1.
  6. Ingham, E.R. 2004. The Soil Foodweb: It’s Role in Ecosystem Health. The Overstory Book: Cultivating Connections with Trees, 62.

Peer-Reviewed Technical Reports

  1. Wilson, M.V., E.R. Ingham, C.D. McIntire and M.L. Scott. 1988. Report on the selection of several potentially critical terrestrial systems. USEPA.
  2. Ingham, E.R., M.V. Wilson and C.D. McIntire. 1989. A general model of biotic interactions. Special Report to the USEPA, CR-813570-01-0, 36 pp.
  3. Thies, W.G., M.A. Castellano, E.R. Ingham, D.L. Luoma and A.R. Moldenke. 1991. Bioresponse of nontarget organisms resulting from the use of chloropicrin to control laminated root rot in a northwest Conifer forest.
  4. Ingham, E.R., W.G. Thies, D.L. Luoma, A.R. Moldenke and M.A. Castellano. 1991. Bioresponse of nontarget organisms resulting from the use of chloropicrin to control laminated root rot in a northwest Conifer forest.
  5. Linder, G., E.R. Ingham, C.J. Brandt and G. Henderson. 1992. Evaluation of terrestrial indicators for use in ecological assessments at hazardous waste sites. USEPA/600/r-92/183.
  6. Ingham, E.R. 1993. Use of soil foodweb structure and function to assess superfund sites. USEPA Ecological Site Assessment Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.
  7. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Microbial Population Dynamics. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.
  8. Ingham, E.R. 1994. Standard Operating Procedure for Total Bacteria. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.
  9. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Nematode Population and Community Structure. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.
  10. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Protozoan Populations and Community Structure. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.

Technical Reports

  1. Ingham, E.R. and M. Holmes. 1995. Biosafety Regulations: A critique of existing documents.
  2. The Edmonds Institute, Edmonds, WA. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Biosafety Regulation. Edmonds Institute, Edmonds, WA.

Monthly Column in Biocycle (Ca. 1998-2000)

Monthly column including discussions of: Anaerobic Bacteria and Composting, The Good, the Bad and Facultative Anaerobes, What Organisms are in Compost?, What is Compost Tea?, Methyl Bromide Alternatives, Fungi and Disease-Suppression, Vermicompost versus Compost – What’s the Difference?

Numerous other magazine and newspaper publications since 1999.

Other Relevant Publications

  1. Taylor, B.R., H.G. Jones. (1990). Litter decomposition under snow cover in a balsam fir forest. Canadian Journal of Botany, 68(1): 112-120.
  2. Bohlool, B.B., J.K. Ladha, D.P. Garrity, T. George. (1992). Biological Nitrogen Fixation for Sustainable Agriculture: A Perspective. Plant and Soil, 141(1-2):1-11.
  3. L. Diels, M. De Smet, L. Hooyberghs, P. Corbisier. (1999). Heavy metals bioremediation of soil. Molecular Biotechnology, 12(2): 149-158.
  4. El-Masry, M. H., A.I. Khalil, M.S. Hassouna, H.A.H Ibrahim. (2002). In situ and in vitro suppressive effect of agricultural composts and their water extracts on some phytopathogenic fungi. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 18: 551–558.
  5. Scheuerell, S. J., W.F. Mahaffee. (2004). Compost Tea as a Container Medium Drench for Suppressing Seedling Damping-Off Caused by Pythium ultimum. Biological Control, 94(11): 1156-1163
  6. Schmidt, S.K., D.A. Lipson. (2004). Microbial growth under the snow: Implications for nutrient and allelochemical availability in temperate soils. Plant and Soil, 259(1-2): 1-7.
  7. Chen, H., S. Pan. (2005). Bioremediation potential of spirulina: toxicity and biosorption studies of lead. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 6B(3):171-174.
  8. Rehman, A., S. Ashraf, J. I. Qazi, A. R. Shakoori. (2005). Uptake of Lead by a Ciliate, Stylonchia mytilus, isolated from Industrial Effluents: Potential Use in Bioremediation of Wastewater. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 75(2): 290-296.
  9. Kerkeni, A., M. Daami-Remadi, N. Tarchoun, M.B. Khedher, F. Ayed. (2006). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of individually compost fungi for potato fusarium dry rot biocontrol. Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(3):572-580.
  10. Zaller, J.G. (2006). Foliar spraying of vermicompost extracts: effects on fruit quality and indications of late-blight suppression of field-grown tomatoes. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 24(2): 165-180.
  11. Al-Mughrabi, K.I. (2007). Suppression of Phytophthora infestans in potatoes by foliar application of food nutrients and compost tea. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(4): 785-792.
  12. Zhang, W., D.Y Han, W.A. Dick, K.R. Davis, H.A.J. Hoitink. (2007). Compost and compost water extract-induced systemic acquired resistance in cucumber and arabidopsis, Phytopathology. 8(5):450-455.
  13. Al-Mughrabi, K. I., C. Berthélémé, T. Livingston, A. Burgoyne, R. Poirier, A. Vikram. (2008). Aerobic compost tea, compost and a combination of both reduce the severity of common scab (Streptomyces scabiei) on potato tubers. Journal of Plant Sciences, 3:168–175.
  14. Kerkeni, A., M. Daami-Remadi, N. Tarchoun, M.B. Khedher. (2008). Effect of bacterial isolates obtained from animal manure compost extracts on the development of fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Radicis-lycopersici. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2(1):15-23.
  15. Larkin, R. P. (2008). Relative effects of biological amendments and crop rotations on soil microbial communities and soilborne diseases of potato, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40(6): 1341-1351.
  16. Shobha, S.V., R.D. Kale. (2008). Invitro Studies on Control of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens by Earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae Exudates. Applied Soil Ecology, 45(1): 26-38.
  17. Wood, R.K.S. (2008). The control of diseases on lettuce by the use of antagonistic organisms. 1. The control of Botrytis cinerea Pers. Annals of Applied Biology, 38(1): 203-216.
  18. Eckardt, N.A. (2008).The Plant Cell, Chitin Signaling in Plants: Insights into the Perception of Fungal Pathogens and Rhizobacterial Symbionts. American Society of Plant Biologists, 20: 241–243
  19. Gea, F. J., M.J. Navarro, J.C. Tello. (2009). Potential application of compost teas of agricultural wastes in the control of the mushroom pathogen Verticillium fungicola. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 116: 271–273.
  20. Pant, A.P., T.J.K. Radovich, N.V. Hue, S.T. Talcott, K.A. Krenek. (2009). Vermicompost extracts influence growth, mineral nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidant activity in pak choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown under vermicompost and chemical fertiliser. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89(14): 2383-2392.
  21. Segarra, G., M.R eis, E. Casanova, M.I. Trillas. (2009). Control of powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni) in tomato by foliar applications of compost tea. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91: 683–689.
  22. Siddiqui, Y., S. Meon, R. Ismail, M. Rahmani. (2009). Bio-potential of compost tea from agro-waste to suppress Choanephora cucurbitarum L. the causal pathogen of wet rot of okra. Biological Control, 49: 38–44.
  23. Sang, M. K., J.G. Kim, K.D. Kim. (2010). Biocontrol activity and induction of systemic resistance in pepper by compost water extracts against Phytophthora capsici. Phytopathology, 100: 774–783.
  24. von Wuelisch, G., (2011). Evidence for nitrogen-fixation in the Salicaceae family. Tree Planters’ Notes, 54(2):38-41.
  25. Xu, D., W. Raza, G. Yu, Q. Zhao, Q. Shen, Q. Huang. (2011). Phytotoxicity analysis of extracts from compost and their ability to inhibit soil-borne pathogenic fungi and reduce root-knot nematodes. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(3): 1193-1201.
  26. Fritz, J.I., I.H. Franke-Whittle, S. Haindl, H. Insam, R. Braun. (2012). Microbiological community analysis of vermicompost tea and its influence on the growth of vegetables and cereals. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 58(7): 836-847.
  27. Pant, A.P., T.J.K. Radovich, N.V. Hue, and R.E. Paull. (2012). Biochemical properties of compost tea associated with compost quality and effects on pak choi growth. Scientia Horticulturae, 148: 138-146.
  28. St. Martin, C.C.G., R A.I. Brathwaite. (2012). Compost and compost tea: Principles and prospects as substrates and soil-borne disease management strategies in soil-less vegetable production. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 28(1): 1-33.
  29. St. Martin, C.C.G., W. Dorinvil, R.A.I. Brathwaite, A. Ramsubhag. (2012). Effects and relationships of compost type, aeration and brewing time on compost tea properties, efficacy against Pythium ultimum, phytotoxicity and potential as a nutrient amendment for seedling production. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 28(3): 185-205.
  30. Xu, D., Wang, Q., Wu, Y., Yu, G., Shen, Q., Huang, Q. (2012). Humic-like substances from different compost extracts could significantly promote cucumber growth. Pedosphere, 22(6): 815-824
  31. Yuvarani, N., S. Meon, Y. Siddiqui. (2012). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of microbial-enriched compost tea on the development of powdery mildew on melon. BioControl, 57(6): 827-836.
  32. Marín, F., M. Santos, F. Diánez, F. Carretero, F. J. Gea, J. A. Yau, M. J. Navarro. (2013). Characters of compost teas from different sources and their suppressive effect on fungal phytopathogens. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29(8): 1371-1382.
  33. Nakatani, K., Y. Fuji. (2013). Influence of the nitrogen form on in vitro organogenesis in Equisetum arvense. Weed Biology and Management, 13(4): 151-155.
  34. ZongQiang, C., L. XiaoQing, F. Qi, C. ZongXI, X. HaiYang, S. YongHong, S. JianHua. (2013). Non-growing season soil CO2 efflux and its changes in an alpine meadow ecosystem of the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land, 5(4): 488-499.
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Soil Foodweb School LLC (“SOIL FOODWEB”) is committed to your right to privacy.  This privacy policy explains how we may use or disclose information that we obtain from or about you through your use or in connection with your use of our website.  For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term “website” or “websites” identifies all web pages found on or related to the following URL’s:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].

How Do We Collect Personal Information:

SOIL FOODWEB provides access on or through its website to a wide range of content, services, and media.  Users may subscribe to register for classes and workshops, subscribe to electronic newsletters, request services, inquire about training sessions, and apply for job opportunities.  SOIL FOODWEB may require you to voluntarily provide personal information that we use to facilitate all of these features.

What Personal Information We Collect:

Personal information may include your name and contact information, like your company name, mailing address, phone number, user or login name, password, or email address, payment information (like credit card numbers).  Personal information also includes any written text or communications, notes, or inquiries that you provide either on our website or by e-mail communication directly or indirectly with SOIL FOODWEB.

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SOIL FOODWEB uses (or “processes”) personal information only as necessary for our legitimate business interests, which include improvements to our products, services, and content on our website, and also in order to respond to queries or requests, complete registrations and payments, fulfill orders, and schedule service or training.  From time-to-time, SOIL FOODWEB may use personal information to contact you to send you information about our company, classes, or other services. 

You consent to these processes by providing your personal information.  You may update your personal information or “opt out” from receiving certain communications and correspondence from us at any time through email correspondence sent to [email protected].

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SOIL FOODWEB will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill respect processes, as well as to fulfill any obligations under applicable law.

Rights of Data Owners in and to their Personal Information:

Where applicable law requires (and subject to any exceptions), you may have the right to request SOIL FOODWEB to provide you with your personal information or to delete your personal information that is held by us.  You may also have the right to restrict or object to use or processing of your personal information. You may exercise these rights by contacting us through email correspondence sent to [email protected], using the subject line “Personal Information Review Request” or “Delete Account” or “Delete My Information.”

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SOIL FOODWEB considers your use of our website to be private.  However, SOIL FOODWEB may access or disclose information about you and/or the content of your communications with us, in order to: (1) comply with the law or legal process served on SOIL FOODWEB; (2) enforce and investigate potential violations of our Terms of Use, including use of this site to participate in, or facilitate, activities that violate the law; or (3) protect the rights, property, or safety of SOIL FOODWEB employees, customers, or the public.  From time to time, SOIL FOODWEB may also disclose information to selected business partners, or other third parties offering products or services in which you may be interested, provided that such third parties agree to comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy with respect to the use of your personal information. You consent to the access and disclosures outlined in this section.

How We Collect Non-Personal Information:

SOIL FOODWEB may obtain non-personal information from your use of our website and through the use of commonly-used information-gathering tools.  These tools may include “Cookies,” which are pieces of information shared between your web browser and a website. Non-personal information may include information about the browser that you use to access the site, the operating system that you are running, what items you clicked on the applicable web page, how long you viewed a certain page, and information about the website you accessed immediately before you accessed our website.  SOIL FOODWEB may aggregate your non-personal information with the non-personal information of other users of SOIL FOODWEB’s website or of other non-personal information collected offline. SOIL FOODWEB also may collect anonymous aggregated information, like general traffic patterns within our website, to help maintain the flow and content of the website. Any and all of this non-personal information may be used to support SOIL FOODWEB’s commercial, marketing, and customer service activities, or for any other reason.

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We generally use cookies as follows:

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Marketing These cookies are used to deliver content relevant to your interests on a Site and third party sites based on how you interact with our advertisements or content


Use of Web Beacons:

Other tools include “Web Beacons,” which are clear electronic images that can recognize certain types of information on your computer, such as cookies, when you view our website tied to the web beacon, and a description of the website tied to the web beacon. SOIL FOODWEB may use web beacons to operate and improve our website and e-mail communications.  Web beacons can be used alone or in conjunction with cookies to compile information about users’ usage of our website and interaction with e-mails.  SOIL FOODWEB may use information from web beacons in combination with other data we have about our clients to provide you with information about SOIL FOODWEB and our services.  SOIL FOODWEB may conduct this review on an anonymous basis.

Use of Google Analytics:

SOIL FOODWEB may use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”).  Google Analytics uses cookies to help websites analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.  Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the applicable website, compiling reports on website activity, and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage for SOIL FOODWEB.  Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of our website.  By using our website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Links To Other Websites:

Our website may contain third-party links that provide access to other websites, not maintained by SOIL FOODWEB or its affiliates.  If you click on these third-party links, you will be directed from our website to another external website, which SOIL FOODWEB has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, practices, or services.  Your use of any external website is not governed by this privacy policy.

Children’s Privacy:

SOIL FOODWEB does not knowingly solicit, collect, or retain information from any individuals who are under fourteen (14) years of age.  If we learn that we have obtained personal information of a child under 14, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

How We Secure Your Information:

To prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of such information, SOIL FOODWEB has put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures as well as encryption and transaction security software to attempt to safeguard and secure the information SOIL FOODWEB obtains from this website.  However, no safeguards or security procedures or software is completely effective, and we do not guarantee the absolute security of any information provided to SOIL FOODWEB through use of our website.

Attending Webinars

Soil Foodweb School LLC occasionally creates live webinars for either promotional or educational purposes, or other. Should you choose to attend such a webinar, your voice and/or image may be recorded during the course of the webinar. Soil Foodweb School LLC retains the right to publish the recording of the webinar on its website ( and elsewhere. By attending the webinar, you are agreeing to this.

Policy Revisions:

SOIL FOODWEB reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy from time to time in our discretion.  If SOIL FOODWEB makes modifications, SOIL FOODWEB will post the revised Privacy Policy on the website, which will take effect immediately upon posting. It is your responsibility to periodically review this Privacy Policy.

Contact Address:
PO Box 287
Corvallis, OR 97330

Our Privacy Policy
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You may not access or use the Site for any purpose other than that for which we make the Site available. The Site may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by us. 


We care about data privacy and security. Please review our Privacy Policy [CLICK HERE]/posted on the Site]. By using the Site, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. Please be advised the Site is hosted in the United States. 
If you access the Site from the European Union, Asia, or any other region of the world with laws or other requirements governing personal data collection, use, or disclosure that differ from applicable laws in the United States, then through your continued use of the Site, you are transferring your data to the United States, and you expressly consent to have your data transferred to and processed in the United States. 
[Further, we do not knowingly accept, request, or solicit information from children or knowingly market to children. Therefore, in accordance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, if we receive actual knowledge that anyone under the age of 13 has provided personal information to us without the requisite and verifiable parental consent, we will delete that information from the Site as quickly as is reasonably practical.]
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