Follow in the Footsteps of Soil Biology Pioneer
Dr. Elaine Ingham
Become a Soil food Web Consultant

Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach
IDENTIFY which groups of microorganisms are lacking in the soil
BOOST their numbers using Biocomplete™ Compost and Liquids
ADOPT natural farming techniques to ensure biology survives
Helping Farmers to Find a Better Way …
Diminishing Soil Fertility
The Soil-ution
With a restored soil food web in place, plants can control the nutrient cycling happening in their root zones, accessing the minerals that are stored in organic matter and in the parent material. Plants get a constant flow of nutrients that they control.
Watch the animation on nutrient cycling for more info.
Diseases, Pests & Weeds
Problem Solved
The soil food web provides protection against pests and diseases and also inhibits the growth of weeds.
For more information watch the animations on suppressing pests and diseases, as well as weed suppression.
Declining Profits
How We Can Help
When the soil food web is restored, farmers no longer need to apply chemicals as ecosystem functions are restored. Reduced irrigation and plowing requirements also result in cost savings.
For more visit How It Works.
”Our farm was in serious trouble, but after implementing the SFW approach we increased our yield by 150% in a single season, and we were very successful to repeat this approach on different soils at different farms achieving excellent results. We also cut many input costs such as fertilizers by at least 60%. We continue to monitor and move our soils to a much better place, production continues to increase while many other benefits become apparent such as, reduced disease, improved crop resistance to cold and/or heat, improved drainage, reduced soil salts, as well as improved water holding capacity and at the same time achieving improved taste as well as better shelf life.
Shane Plath, Passionate Horticulturalist.Shane and his family run the largest organic banana farm in South Africa, employing over 2,000 people.
The Soil Food Web is an Essential Component
of a Healthy Ecosystem.
Bird & Insect Populations
With the soil food web in place and the use of natural farming practices, pesticides are not required. The soil food web naturally supports plant health and protects plants from attack.
Watch the animation on Pests & Diseases for more info.
Climate Change
Plants absorb carbon from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and they invest some of this into the soil (~40%), to feed microorganisms. It’s estimated that by regenerating the world’s soils we could halt and even reverse climate change within 15-20 years!
Watch the animation on Soil Carbon Sequestration.
Soil Erosion
The soil food web microorganisms build soil structure that prevents erosion by wind and rain. Compaction layers are broken-up, allowing water and plant roots to penetrate deeper, fostering healthier growth and increased productivity.
Watch the animation on the formation of soil to learn more.
”Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach is an effective and viable means of rapidly regenerating agricultural soils, enabling farmers to operate without the use of chemical inputs, thus protecting the world’s waterways, insect and animal populations. Restoring the Soil Food Web to agricultural soils restores productivity and profitability to agriculture and results in substantial levels of carbon sequestration, and has the potential, if implemented on a global scale, to return atmospheric carbon to the safe level as identified by the IPCC.
Dr. David JohnsonResearch Scientist and Molecular Biologist, New Mexico State University
Dr. Elaine’s™
Soil Food Web Approach
After discovering the Soil Food Web Approach (Nature’s Soil Operating System) nearly four decades ago and pioneering research in the field, Dr. Elaine Ingham is recognized as the foremost soil biologist in the world.
The complete Soil Food Web can be found in virgin soils around the world.
Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach is the key to rapid and effective soil regeneration. Only with the complete soil food web in place, can the ecological functions of the soil be restored, protecting and purifying the world’s waterways, reversing Climate Change and providing super-nutritious foods. Using BioComplete™ Soil Amendments, most soils can be regenerated in the first growing season.

What Students Are Saying
Proof it’s Working on Six Continents
Using Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach can produce some impressive results.
Here is what some farmers have reported:
up to 150%
nutrient cycling animation.
up to 100%
up to 50%

Join a Growing
Global Movement
Be a part of an international community of change agents who are making an impactful difference in the effort to rescue our planet.
We train people who help farmers to transition away from using chemicals, to using biology. This results in significant benefits to the farmer and to the environment, as well as to the consumer.